Dr. Nazish Rubab's Impressive Portfolio Highlights Achievements in Physics Field

Dedicated Physicist with Extensive Experience in Plasma Physics and Research

Plasma Physics

Leading projects in plasma physics research and development professionally.

a close up of a red flower
a close up of a red flower
Recent Trends in

Organizing committee for recent trends in plasma physics in Pakistan.

plasma ball digital wallpaper
plasma ball digital wallpaper
Physics of Plasmas

Reviewer for scientific journals like Physics of Plasmas.

red and orange light bokeh
red and orange light bokeh
person's hand beside plasma ball
person's hand beside plasma ball
UCP Journal

Editor of UCP Journal of Science and Technology.

Board of Studies

Member of Board of Studies and Faculty for curriculum review.

Committee Experience

Program committee member for various Asia Pacific conferences on plasma physics and joint secretary for women in physics.

Life member of Pakistan Physical Society and member of Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World.


Session Chair and Member

Asia Pacific Conference

2021, 2022

Program committee and session chair for Asia Pacific conferences on plasma physics in Japan.

Organizing Committee

Recent Trends in Plasma Physics


Reviewer of scientific journals and member of various academic boards and committees.

low light photo of person holding blue lighted ball
low light photo of person holding blue lighted ball